Renate in San Diego

Olala...Frenchie in San Diego!! Watch out!

Friday, December 10, 2004

Canicuuuuule :-)

Aujourd'hui je vous écrit en débardeur et tongs! La porte est ouverte, mais les stores à 1/2 fermés pour pas trop chauffer non+... Il fait 80°F c'est à dire pas loin de 30°C!!!! Quel bonheur, enfin un temps de saison :-) Et moi qui avais rangé les habits trop été, bien mal m'en a pris ;-)

Our new neighbor Victor from Brazil arrived yesterday night, we picked him up at the airport with Steve. He came with 5 friends that are going to do the 4-month internship with him at Convention Center, so we ended up being 9 in the van: the Brazilians stucked on the 2 back rows and Magali and me on the front seat, compressed between a pile of luggage and the window! lmao - It's a shame the car had black windows, cause we would have looked so funny from outside :-p hehe

gtg enjoying the sun hehe... see ya'll :-)


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