Renate in San Diego

Olala...Frenchie in San Diego!! Watch out!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004


Well I have some positive comments about being back here actually.... When I read my last posts it looks like I am going to commit suicide :-/ (who the hell said "well who knows?"???!! lol)

- I saw my parents and had a great Christmas with them :-)
- I have my car back!!!!!!!! I don't have to take the bus again :-p
- I can meet my friends on MSN, there's no more time difference now - well this is a bad one, cause I miss my US friends even more now :-/
- ok I'll think of some other reasons later.... can't think of any other one :-(

I'm going to bed, I hope we'll go to Germany tomorrow
Hey guys what are you all doing for New Year's Eve?? French and US guys!!! :-) Tell me...



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