Renate in San Diego

Olala...Frenchie in San Diego!! Watch out!

Saturday, December 25, 2004


I will be leaving sunny San Diego at 12:25pm... We just had a Christmas dinner at Renata, Fernanda and Camila's place. It was really cool and I felt like I really got to know them all only today. What a shame that they arrived when we were about to leave....

I am still struggling to get everything in my suitcase and trying to think of my priorities (clothes, gifts, school material etc... lol) there's just too much for too little space ............ HEEEEEEELP

Plus I just received Regis' email saying that actually he could not pick my suitcase at Paris airport which leaves me with a big problem now: what to do with the 40 kilos overweight????????? i feel lost... looks like France really doesn't want me to come back :-(

Anyway... have a happy Christmas all of you and see you very soon France and Germany!!!

Lotsa hugs to all the guys I am gonna miss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#

~ SanDiegoGirl (for 10 more hours)


  • At 10:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Salut la miss !! Tu viens de rentrer en France...BIENVENU A TOI MON PETIT MOUCHOIR n° 350 !
    T'inquiète, la France est un magnifique pays d'accueil: pluie, 9°C, mentalité parfois écrasante, bouchons, vent....Que demande le peuple ??? Non, vraiment, je vous le demande !!

    My est là, tu vas être contente de la revoir, ma petite !! Vous allez vous éclatez ttes les deux, à nouveau. Et n'oublie pas nos burgers parties...George commence à les scheduler !!

    Gros bizoos à la francaise de retour du soleil !!


  • At 7:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


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