Renate in San Diego

Olala...Frenchie in San Diego!! Watch out!

Monday, December 20, 2004

French Breakfast part II

Yes we did it again :-) and this time not only everybody was on time but we also had crêpes and christmas cookies in addition to cake and croissants! miam miam

There were the neighbors Steve, Slawo and Victor, our favorite Swiss Mario and Mirko, and Simon, Florence and their cute daughter Veia from Québec !
That was a lot but finally everything went fine!

Guess what I have for breakfast this morning?? Luckycharms brought by Mario and Mirko!!!! hehehe they're so funny (see older posts about froot loops, toblerone, lucky charms.... lol!!!)
I have no idea what to wish next guys...just kidding :-)

I'm still struggling with my overweight luggage... the transport company considered 40K as 0-100 and is asking 150euro to carry it from Paris to eastern France!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it :-(
Tell me if you have any better idea :-/ ...

Have a great day!


  • At 8:03 AM, Blogger Tigroo said…

    I want a red Swiss Tshirt with the white Cross on it !! ;-)

    Help me, Mario and Mirko !!

  • At 8:42 PM, Blogger Myriam said…

    coucou ma poupouille!

    j'espere que tu vas bien et que qqn va biento trouver une solution pr tes bagages... moi je reflechis encore... j'espere bien trouver qqch.. o pire paie le surplus, ca coutera tjrs moins cher k'un vol en + (tu es allee regarder les solutions d'envois de colis par les services "cargos" des differentes compagnies aeriennes?)
    Dans tous les cas, pense bien a mettre les choses les + lourdes dans tes bagages a main (tu vas te bousiller le dos mais tu ne les porteras pas bcp, t'inquiete)

    gros bisous schnuckiputzi ;-)


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