Renate in San Diego

Olala...Frenchie in San Diego!! Watch out!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Mormons invasion...

Tonight the Mormons came again!!!! I can't believe it.

Did I tell you I visited the Mormon temple in San Diego? Well from the outside, since the inside is only for Mormons. A lady told us a lot about their religion and the Book of Mormons, and we said yes when she asked us if we wanted a copy of it. We had to give her our names and address grrrr.. So that somebody would come and give it to us personnally... (G...r...e...a...t)

Actually part of my family is Mormon (my French Grandpa's cousin went to the US and some of his descendants turned Mormons). One of my French cousins became Mormon too, after he visited this part of the family in the US.. (such a coincidence!lol)
Well anyway I feel attracted to this religion but mainly for understanding them and because I'm curious about it. So I wanted to learn more about it. ( Just so that you know I don't give away my address for anything haha)

Well 2 young Mormons came at our place 3 weeks ago. They were really nice and told us about the Book of Mormons and left us their phone number. They were so peaceful and nice, but that felt kinda embarrassing anyway :-/ Like if they were hiring people for their religion! That was their goal of course but I mean it felt like a product they were trying to sell us! :-P

Last Friday 2 young Mormon girls came and started telling us the same stuff but we said sorry we already got the book and met missionnaries etc etc etc... Actually they had brought the book in FRENCH (!!) but anyway we refused politely because we were packing our luggage for Las Vegas and really had no time to waste lol.

And tonight.... 2 missionnaries again!!! Males again. lol. We didn't even start talking, we just told them right away that they were the 3rd couple and that we thought we knew enough about the religion now. They were very nice too and tried to speak some French (lol) but didn't stay long either. Poor them!

Well we are now waiting for the 4th couple of young Mormon missionnaries... Maybe we could get the book in Japanese? I always wanted to learn this language :-p!!


  • At 12:51 PM, Blogger Tigroo said…

    Hy there!

    There was always a lot of Mormons missionaries in Nancy at least, and now, there's a big 'back-to-school' new bunch of arrivals! They are sometines even teams of four, when they actually should be two, following the bible rules, where they were two for preaching and "evangelising" (does that exist ?)

    Anyway, they are always nice, I love to talk to them, but their speech is very systematical, and mainly, they just invite you to come to the Church or they come at home, which is the worst thing ever, unless you WANT to enroll ;-) I regret that they cannot discuss with objectivity. The last time we spoke together, they proudly announced me that whenever a peacefull life was going on, The Church of Jesus-Christ had arrived on earth, like an aircraft !!!! this is a bit harsh like a work hypothesis. They have such a strong feeling inside themselves that God exist, probably due to the tradition they live in since they're born, that they even can't think of interrogating this hypothesis. Anyway, I love to debate, but they use with success, seemingly, the lack of objectivity that surrounds the question of God !

    Big kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, lovely Mormon girl ;-)

  • At 1:01 PM, Blogger Tigroo said…

    Renate, know something, I have the book of Mormons at home, and what is inside, as you can see, is mainly the story of a lost tribe in israel, which is believed to have arrived in America, long before Vespucci :-) But there's nothing which indicates the location of that country, except that they crossed a huge sea to arrive, and from Israel to USA, there's just one sea, the Atlantic Ocean. apart from that, the story is the same that in the Bible, nothnig new, and that book was written 200 years ago only. What is funny is the story of the plates, that the guy had burried, then digged and recovered again. The kind of ghost that talked to him. That was very good for a sect, and that seems to be a guru behavior. I do not say the book is false or whatever, but it's a second Bible, so many years after. Believe it or not, I do not know. but what is sure, is that the anti-Mormons often spoke of the book like religious bullshit with space crafts and whatever stupidity you may imagine, but that's false !

    Anyway, due to the so high numbers of people of which we follow the life, it's pretty boring to read, there's no much names...

    ONE BAD THING It's written black on white what they think to be the origin of black people, and that's not something they should be proud of. Basically, there was a big tribe, with a lot of problems inside, which made the life and progression in the desert difficult. Therefore, there existed then two clans into that tribe, which soon separated. the clan of the Goods, and the clan of the Bads, the lazy's, the dirty's. The latter got as a punishment a dark skin.
    This is really a strange point of that book, about which any of the so-called Missionaries wanted to explain himself !

    Well, time to go! big kiss again :-)

  • At 11:07 PM, Blogger Myriam said…

    Bon, pas de news depuis le 28 Septembre, tu te secoues un peu, Renate??!! hihi ;-)

    Pinaise c koi ce bin's, on peut même pas mettre d'image dans nos réponses sur les blog?? ého Blogspot faudrait changer ça !! Si déjà notre Renate elle met pas de photos, faudrait bien que nous on puisse en mettre!! hihi ;-)


  • At 11:45 AM, Blogger Renate said…

    Comment tu les mets, ces photos??? please please!!

  • At 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You're right, they are sweet sounding folks. However, they cease trying to recruit you if: a) you are aware of the part of their belief system they never knew or forgot; and: b) you are very clear on what your own faith is about and can explain it.


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